Sensory Motor Integration : Treatment, Diagnosis, School

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At Empowered Learning Transformation Centers we understand the pain and frustration of watching your child struggle with learning or behavioral issues. Here, and at our centers around the country, we have helped thousands of kids overcome their challenges. Our groundbreaking program provides lasting results because we don’t simply work with a child’s strengths or compensate for a weakness, we tackle the root cause of the issue.
When you sign up for the Empowered Learning Transformation Centers Sensory Program, our staff administers a personalized assessment that helps us to establish specific goals for your child. Once we have determined the best plan of action for your child, the Sensory Motor Training will provide your child with a series of in-center and at-home activities that help your child overcome their challenges. For children with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD), processing disorders such as Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), learning disorders such as Dyslexia, and more, the Empowered Learning Transformation Centers implements an integrated, whole-child approach that helps your child reach their goals.
Our unique Empowered Learning Transformation Centers addresses the whole child by integrating sensory motor training and stimulation and academic activities with nutritional and dietary guidelines. This unique integrated approach is key to what makes Empowered Learning Transformation Centers different and so effective.
We invite you to visit our center for a personal tour. You can observe our program in action, meet our dedicated team and learn more about the many children we have helped right here in our community.
To contact us, call 732-217-3719 or fill out the form to have one of our staff members contact you directly.

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